Create a custom step

You are using a technology not managed by Kest, you can extend Kest with your own Steps

Build the execution

You need to define what the step will have to execute, for that, create your own implementation of class com.github.lemfi.kest.core.model.Execution

For example, let’s create a step that will have to sum two integers

class SumExecution(private val operand1: Int, private val operand2: Int): Execution<Int>() {
    override fun execute(): Int {
        return operand1 + operand2

Build the execution builder

However a step is not built with an Execution but with an ExecutionBuilder

Let’s create it for our Sum Execution

class SumExecutionBuilder: ExecutionBuilder<Int> {
    var operand1: Int = 0
    var operand2: Int = 0

    override fun toExecution(): Execution<Int> = SumExecution(operand1, operand2)

Create the function in charge of building the step

Your function should take 3 parameters:

  1. name: String: the step name that will be displayed in report

  2. retry: RetryStep: the configuration for retrying steps on which assertions would have failed

  3. builder: YourExecutionBuilder<…​>.()→Unit: the context to fill builder information

fun ScenarioBuilder.`given the sum of two numbers`(
    name: String? = null,
    retry: RetryStep? = null,
    builder: SumExecutionBuilder.() -> Unit
) =
        name = name?.let { StepName(it) } ?: DefaultStepName("Make sum"),
        retry = retry
    ) { SumExecutionBuilder().apply(builder) }

Use it

`given the sum of two numbers`(name = "addition of 1 and 2") {
    operand1 = 1
    operand2 = 2
} assertThat { res ->
    res isEqualTo 3